
How can new road safety data accelerate safety improvement?

By | 2019-12-01T18:14:07+00:00 November 27th, 2019|Categories: General|Tags: , , , |

Data is a key support tool for developing evidence-based road safety policies. However, we are quite far from both disposing the right data and appropriately using them. Today, very often, we look where the data are and not where the problems are.  For example, we miss very critical information not only about risk exposure, like

Why do we need an African Road Safety Observatory?

By | 2018-08-20T18:51:27+00:00 July 31st, 2018|Categories: General|Tags: , |

Road casualties is a major burden to the society worldwide.  According to WHO statistics, road casualties in Africa are by far proportionally higher than in any other region of the world. However, do we know the real number of road fatalities and injuries in Africa? Do we know the real specific road safety problems in

How to improve road safety data in Africa?

By | 2018-03-14T13:38:10+00:00 January 29th, 2018|Categories: General|Tags: , |

Road safety data collection and storage are critical for a series of procedures to improve road safety. However, capturing accurate and complete road safety data is a difficult and complex issue. The main problems faced when recording road accidents are the unclear determination of road accident location, insufficient or incorrect recording of information and insufficient

Why road accident data correlations do not reveal causations?

By | 2017-11-25T16:20:21+00:00 June 19th, 2017|Categories: General|Tags: , |

Road accident analysis is focussing too much on accident characteristics and too little on accident causes. Very often, we look where the data are and not where the problems are. Consequently, there is imperative need for data not only on casualties but also on: -    exposure to risk (traffic kilometres of vehicles and pedestrians) to

How to measure distracted driving risk?

By | 2017-11-25T16:20:22+00:00 June 7th, 2017|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , |

Driver distraction is lately becoming a key critical road accident risk factor, equivalent or even more important than the well-known "four big road killers": speed, drink-and-drive, non-use of seat belt and helmet. Some argue that mobile phone use (talking, texting and browsing) is a key reason why road fatalities do not decrease anymore in developed

Can the internet of everything improve road user behaviour?

By | 2017-11-25T16:20:22+00:00 September 14th, 2016|Categories: General|Tags: , , , |

The Internet of Things and of Everything is steadily making easily available massive driving and travelling data, which present a very high potential for monitoring driving and travelling behaviour and subsequently provide customized feedback both to the driver/traveller and to the systems managers (public or private), which was never available before. It is the first

Which are the key policy orientations for safer city traffic?

By | 2017-11-25T16:20:22+00:00 November 15th, 2015|Categories: General|Tags: , , , |

The main difference between roads and the other transport modes, is that most road vehicle drivers are not professionals, not having received heavy training and not following the very high and strict behaviour standards of the professional drivers and pilots of all the other transport modes. Furthermore, the road environment, especially in urban areas, is